Kiara Mia
Abonnenten:1Profilansichten:5,072Videos:18Aliasnamen:Kiara Marie, Deanne MunozBeruf:PornstarGeschlecht:FemaleGeburtstag:1977-01-24Alter:48
Land:United StatesStadt:Los AngelesStaat/Provinz:California
Körperform:AverageMessungen:34DD-26-36Höhe:5 ft 4 in (163 cm)Gewicht:130 lbs (or 59 kg)Titten-Typ:FakeBusengröße:E
Über Kiara MiaHot Latina girls can be so damn sexy, they are almost scary, as if they’ll chew you up and spit you out if you can’t dish out the sexual heat they need. Kiara Mia happens to be one demanding porn star who will make you crawl on all fours just to bite at the thread of her panties. She’ll run her Spanish mouth off at you while you run your mouth up and down her body. Getting a mouthful of Kiara’s tits is a guaranteed mouth-gasm. For big-tit lovers, Kiara has managed to acquire the nicest and fattest rack around. Those boobs walk into a room a few minutes before she enters. Her pointy brown nips sit on glorious wide areolas, and her cleavage is a tried, tested and true launch pad for tit fucking. Kiara’s exotic looks, dark skin and attitude aren’t wholly due to her Latina background, because she is a deliciously interracially mixed star. Kiara is also part Indian, meaning she’s got access to that secret knowledge of strange sexual moves and orgasms that originate in all sorts of new parts of your body. This beauty can reach O-Town from having her oral, vaginal, or anal fun-tunnels penetrated, so just pick where your favorite one to fill up with ball batter. If you think Kiara hasn’t got enough check points in her slut box, then also know that she is also one hell of a MILF. Mature, confident, and sometimes tender but bossy when she needs to be, young bucks get a true education in how to pleasingly fuck a mom, after just one session with Kiara.
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